Hey everyone!
This week, our dance will be held at the Princeton Arts Council building (102 Witherspoon St, Princeton NJ 08542) starting at 6:30 p.m on Wednesday, April 5th. As a reminder, this dance costs $5 per person to help cover the cost of the room rental. Here’s the schedule for this week:
6:30-6:40 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)
6:40-7:30 — Intermediate Balboa with Rob & Zoe
7:30-8:00 — Beginner lesson
8:00-9:00 — Social dance
Afterwards, let’s head downtown to get ice cream at Halo Pub!
Also, our intermediate Balboa lessons will be ending soon, and we’ll be starting a new progressive series to finish out the semester. We’re still finalizing what dance style we’d like to teach, but because we’ll be starting from the basics, this will be a great opportunity for new dancers to participate in the intermediate lessons! I’ll keep you updated as to when the next progressive lesson series will begin, and I hope you’ll join us!
As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. If you are new to the club, please bring a mask and a copy of your vaccine card (digital is fine) for registration. Thank you!