Author Archives: kb0676

Swing Dance this Thursday (3/28) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone!

This week, we’re back in the NGC Common Room on Thursday (3/28) starting at 7 p.m. This is another great week for beginners, since we’ll be starting our progressive Lindy Hop series with Kirstin & Sam!

In addition to the new progressive lesson that’s starting, note that we’re switching to a new & improved schedule for our meetings. Instead of a longer social dance, we’re trying out shorter practice sessions so that folks get a chance to try the skills they’ve learned on the dance floor!

7:00-8:00 — Beginner lesson with Kunal and Sam

8:00-8:30 — Open practice DJ’d by Kunal

8:30-9:30 — Progressive Lindy Hop with Sam & Kirstin – week 1 (beginner lesson!)

9:30-10:00 — Open practice DJ’d by Kirstin

Looking forward to dancing with you!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance and TANGO This Thursday (3/21) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone! This week, we’re in the NGC Common Room on Thursday (3/21) starting at 7 p.m. This is a really special week: we’re having guest teachers from the Tango Club teach us a new style of dance. Let’s learn the Argentine tango together! Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:15 — Beginner Tango lesson & practice with Sean and Jackie

8:15-9:00 — Beginner Swing lesson with Rob & Zoë

9:00-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Zoë

I’ve been dancing tango and learning from Sean and Jackie for a few months now, and I’ve found that while they are different dances, a lot of the core skills of partner dancing are very much the same across styles. This is a great way to learn something new from some really great teachers while building skills that will help *all* your dancing, not just swing!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (3/14) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone! This week, we’re in the NGC Common Room on Thursday (3/14) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Shim Sham line dance lesson

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Sam & Grittney

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Kirstin

The Shim Sham is a really fun line dance that is really common at social dances. Now is a great chance to learn!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (3/7) @ 7pm in Friend Center

Hi everyone! This week, we’re back in the Friend Center Convocation Room on Thursday (3/7) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie (week 7)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Kunal & Sam

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Anna

Hope to see you there! This will be our last week of Charleston, so don’t miss out!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (2/29) @ 7pm in Friend Center

Hi everyone! This week, we’re in the Friend Center Convocation Room on Thursday (2/29) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Grittney (week 6)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Kunal & Kirstin

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Sam

Hope to see you there! It’s a leap day, so come learn some Charleston and get leaping! 🙂

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (2/22) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone! This week, we’re in the NGC Common Room on Thursday (2/22) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Grittney (week 5)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Kunal & Grittney

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Kunal

Hope to see you there!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (2/15) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone! 

This week, we’re in the NGC Common Room on Thursday (2/15) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Grittney (week 4)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Rob & Zoë

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Rob

Happy Valentine’s day! Be sure to bring your sweetheart to this dance 🙂

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (2/8) @ 7pm in Friend Center

Hi everyone! This week, we’re back in the Friend Center Convocation Room on Thursday (2/8) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Zoë (week 3)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Kunal & Sam

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Zoë

I’m excited to keep working on our Charleston skills! Hope to see you there!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!

Swing Dance this Thursday (2/1) @ 7pm in Friend Center

Hi everyone! This week, we’re in the Friend Center Convocation Room on Thursday (2/1) starting at 7 p.m. Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Zoë (week 2)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Sam & Kirstin

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Anna

I’m excited to dance with y’all – see you there!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!


Swing Dance is Back! Join us this Thursday (1/25) @ 7pm in NGC Common Room

Hi everyone! 

Welcome back to another semester – we’re excited to get back to dancing with you! Our first meeting of the semester is this Thursday (1/25) starting at 7 p.m. in the NGC Common Room. We’ll be starting up a progressive series, with Rizzie, Grittney, and Zoe teaching us Charleston to kick off the new year! That means that this week, both lessons will be beginner-friendly – a great time for newcomers to join us & get started dancing! Here’s the full schedule:

7:00-7:10 — Check-in (don’t forget your mask!)

7:10-8:00 — Progressive Charleston with Rizzie and Grittney (week 1)

8:00-8:45 — Beginner lesson with Kunal and Grittney

8:45-10:00 — Social Dance DJ’ed by Kirstin

I hope to see you all there!

As always, please do not attend if you feel sick or have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring a mask and wear it for the duration of the evening. Thank you!